CURRENT AFFAIRS Americans divided on wearing a mask, despite the growing number of positive cases. Jyoti B Jul 20, 2020 05:52 GMT Coronavirus cases in the United States continue to rise as the outbreak has spread. A total number of confirmed cases is 3.68M with 141k recorded death. Americans are looking at each other over wearing (or not) of masks, social distancing, and closures, as Covid-19 cases to rise. Public health officials believe that face coverings can substantially slow transmission of the coronavirus, which is spreading rapidly in many states. But face coverings work best if they are adopted widely, and that is not the case everywhere. The poll conducted by the Leger and the Association for Canadian Studies surveyed approximately 1,001 Americans (with a margin of error of 3.1 points ) on how they feel about being required to wear a mask in public to protect against the transmission of COVID-19. 47% of Americans said yes. us Read More Read the Next Article