Car Care Tips: How to take care of your new car?

 Car Care Tips: How to take care of your new car?

Car Care Tips: It is imperative that you obtain as much information as possible about your new vehicle as soon as you purchase it. Read the owner's manual. You can stay informed on how to use the car properly by consulting the owner's manual. Important information regarding maintenance of the engine oil, washer fluid, and air filter is also included in the handbook. Roadside assistance contacts and details on the vehicle's warranty are also included. But even then if you think that you need more tips to take care of your car then this article, is for you, In this article, we will share the most basic maintenance tips that you must know to take care of your new car.

How to take care of your new car?

Check the engine oil

It is advised to check well-maintained cars once a month. Get it inspected and repaired as soon as possible if you discover an oil leak or need to top it off frequently.

Wash the Car

It is illegal in most countries to have a dirty windscreen, which also poses a safety risk because it obscures your view of the road. A build-up of dirt, road salt, or sand can be removed by having the undercarriage and fender wells cleaned in addition to the daily or weekly wash.

Check your brakes

If you sense vibrations in the brake levers or notice any disruption, you should get the brake pads checked. If this happens to you, get the issue rectified right away by going to an auto shop.

Keep an eye on the tyre pressure

Appropriate tyre pressure improves both the ride quality and general state of the tyres. Properly inflated tyres also lessen wear and strain. Tyre pressure does, however, drop with time. At least once a month, have the tyre pressure checked at any petrol station. If you travel frequently, another excellent new car maintenance advice is to check your tyres once a week.

Check the air filter

After removing the air filter part, expose it to bright light. Replace it if there is no light. However, make sure to adhere to the suggested servicing intervals.

Check the Battery

Verify that the battery's cables and terminals are corrosion-free and firmly attached. Check the battery's fluid level every several months if its caps are detachable, especially in warmer climates.

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