ASTROLOGY Horoscope Today: Check out astrological predictions for your zodiac sign Jyoti B Sep 19, 2022 00:38 GMT Horoscope Today [19 September 2022]: A new day is here with new opportunities, if you are curious about your day, then check out the astrological predictions for your zodiac sign here. Aries: Today, you are likely to discover a new and untapped source of power within you. You will realize that you neither need nor are. likely to get any external help in dealing with the problems that you have been facing. Taurus: With a little patience and forbearance, the day can turn out to be very productive for you. But having that patience can be the greatest challenge now. Time will seem to slow down to a crawl and nothing would move fast enough to suit your mood. Gemini: The day seems to be full of applause and praise for you. You may receive an award for your several outstanding performances. Your principles of adhering to the truth may even set you as a role model for several people including your competitors as well. Cancer: You are likely to come across a big idea today and you must not reject it out of hand because it seems too improbable. This is the day to think big and reach high. You should study the obstacles to your plan well and soon you will find that the obstacle itself will suggest how you can get rid of it. Leo: A situation is likely to arise in your life where you will have to take a very direct and proactive role. It may appear to be a very difficult situation, but you have the capability of solving it fairly. You will just have to assert yourself, but do not worry. Virgo: Though you are feeling somewhat overwhelmed by responsibilities, there will be no reprieve in sight. Your best course of action will be to quit complaining and get on with completing your tasks. The sooner you complete them, the quicker you will be free. Libra: Experience is the best teacher and you need to get guided by it presently. Do not ignore the lessons of the past and save yourself from the suffering it can cause in the future. Try to help the needy people, be they children or the aged ones! Scorpio: You are going to pay a lot of attention to details today. You are likely to be involved in the detailed planning of a project and you are going to be very thorough about it. You are feeling very industrious and this will be reflected in your job. You are also going to earn acclaim for this. Also Read: 9.5 lakh TB patients adopted under ‘Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan’ Sagittarius: There is confidence in the air. You will take up a pending project that had been left unfinished. Obstacles seem to appear but they will not block your path. A close friend will come to your rescue. Capricorn: The day is likely to be very busy for you. You are likely to receive visitors, or you may plan for an outing. This may also be the time when you are starting major renovation work of your house or buying or shifting to a new house. Aquarius: After a long, today you will feel relieved. Important news will make your day. Parents may find a suitable match for their son/daughter. A pending court case will be settled in your favor. A little effort in the career today will give rich dividends tomorrow. Pisces: Issues related to the profession will get resolved. But no aggressive action, be it in words or writing should not be taken till then. Those facing issues on the personal front should make time for dear ones. For all the news update subscribe our YouTube channel ‘ India’. You can also follow us on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and TWITTER. astrology horoscope Read More Read the Next Article